Why do so many feel the need to compete with each other?
Always trying to have a better car or nicer clothes?
I don't understand why we feel the pressure of others around us to compete and compare.
By nature I am not a competitive person at all. I just want to have fun!
Being set apart from the world is the goal not like everyone else.
Being no respecter of persons is the goal. We are all on level playing ground
No one should be treated or respected more than another.
No matter what your skin color is or how small or big you are.
Everyone deserves respect.

I tend to befriend the outcasts. The ones no one else wants to be friends with. I pity the lonely and always put myself in others shoes maybe to a fault at times.

Nobody in this country should go hungry. We all have too much and could probably stand to miss a few meals. 

Instead of always competing with our neighbors and trying to look better or act smarter than everyone maybe we should consider each others feelings. 

Most likely the insecure thoughts you have are also things your neighbor struggles with.

We are built for community.
People need encouragement.
This is a battle we are in NOT a competition!

It's a spiritual battle and when we can acknowledge the struggle is with satan not with each other we might be able to win the battle. Fighting against our friends, spouses or neighbors will only hurt each other. This is not a competition.

We are all made different for a reason.

Our gold standard is to compare our lives to Jesus. He is the one we are supposed to please not anyone else. God is the one who will judge us.