Creatures of Habit

We are all creatures of habit. Whether you realize it or not you probably do a lot of the same things every day. Most of us like our routines and don't like change. We drink the same things every day and we like to eat the same foods.

We watch the same shows and use the same products for years. Some may call it getting stuck in a rut. Others call it routine. Its really just perspective. I enjoy my routine and I feel like I work better with a schedule and a plan.

My children like routine and seem to do best with a schedule.

I don't like surprises. Knowing what to expect before it happens in comforting.

When you are raised a certain way and taught a specific religion most have a hard time forgetting what was instilled in them.

Ways of life and eating habits are formed at home as a child. I believe instead of saying obesity is hereditary maybe doctors should look at the lifestyle of the parents and grandparents.

It is our nature to stick with what we are taught. To not step outside the box. For the few that decide to go against the grain and blaze a new trail....they will never forget what they were taught as a child.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Maybe that is why abusive parents raise children who abuse their children.
Maybe that is why obese parents raise obese children. (they are taught bad eating habits)

Instead of labeling everything as a disease or a disorder maybe we should consider it a lifestyle that was taught as a child.