My Role as a Pastor's Wife

My role as the pastor's wife is to be here to encourage him when he needs a shoulder to cry on. I help him as he struggles behind closed doors when things get hard. When he questions his
calling as a pastor, I am here to remind him that God has called him to feed His people.

When he stands on Biblical truth and it goes against the popular opinion, I am here to support him and let him know that everyone in the world isn’t against him.

I am faithful to love him and care for him when it seems like no one else does. I love him like no one else in the congregation can, and I am his biggest cheerleader.

As a pastor’s wife, you may feel like you are called on to do all the jobs no one else in the church wants to do. Let’s face it – in a small church, there are a limited number of volunteers.

Maybe you are constantly filling in for nursery. Or you’re the one that people call on when they need a substitute Sunday School teacher. 

Sometimes it feels like the expectations placed on you as a pastor’s wife are UNREAL!

I know the pressures that come from feeling like you should be "all things to all people". 

But I must remember that my husband needs me to tend to him first.

Who ministers to the pastor? You do!

It’s an honor to serve your husband and your pastor so he can serve the church.

Your service to your husband may go unnoticed by most of the church, but God sees your ministry, and it brings Him glory.

Let go of the expectations you or others may have placed on you and focus on your husband. He is worth all your efforts, and he needs you to serve him. He is your ministry!