I got an email from the local homeschoolers group about this science day they were having and I thought the boys would love it so I signed them up. I only paid $5 per child and we
went last week to the church they used to have it in. He put one in his mouth and just stood there as if it was good acting as if he swallowed. The he stuck his tongue out and still had to whole thing in there and was too scared to bite it.
She had several flavored bugs for anyone who was brave enough to try one. Jacob ate one of these BBQ worms too!
Then she passed out rubber gloves and GIANT grasshoppers for disecting.
Of course Jacob was ready and willing but the other boys didn't want to touch them so we went outside on the play ground while the big kids did the gross stuff!
Jonah wore his bug shirt!
And it turned out to be a fun field trip with lots of other children there. Homeschooling is not always at home. We have field trips and make friends with other homeschool families all the time. A few weeks ago we went bowling.....but that's another post!