- my husband
- our 4 boys~Jacob, Jaron, Jonah & Justus
- our house
- plenty of clothes
- food to eat
- our church
- Jesus dying on the cross & raising from the dead
- the King James Bible
- privilege to homeschool our children
- all my friends
- God's grace & mercy & forgiveness
- all our family members
- a working vehicle
- gospel music
- Heaven~no more headaches
- heat & A/C to keep us comfortable
- a hot shower
- eternal security
- our military
- natural remedies
- a comfortable bed
- generous friends & family
I am sure after I click "publish" I will think of more things I should have added....but these are some of the things I can think of while fighting a terrible headache. We had a great day with my mother & step-dad. His brother & wife too. I cooked apple pie from scratch, mashed potatoes & green beans. They made turkey, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, stuffing, brownies, banana pudding, green bean casserole & rolls. It was all so good and we probably ate too much! I think my headache is from this cough/congestion I've had for almost a month. Might see if I can go to the doctor tomorrow. It's probably progressed into a full blown sinus infection now. So please pray for me to feel better soon! And hope you all had a happy thanksgiving!!! {May God Bless You}