Tonight I was sitting on the couch and Jacob was trying to feel the baby move. He told me open my mouth so I showed him my teeth and he said "no say AH" so I did and he got really close to me and YELLED "BOO BABY!" in my mouth. I laughed so hard! I told him he can't hear him through my mouth he needs to talk right into my belly. My boys are so silly...
Jonah loves to get in our bed and lay down pretending to be sleeping....
Sometimes daddy naps in the floor and Jonah LOVES his daddy!
90 day countdown until "Little J" arrives. I let the boys tear one off every night at bedtime.
Jaron loves to be tied up and he also LOVES this spiderman costume. He did this with their belts all by himself.
I went to the doctor today for another check up and also had to take the glucose test. If they don't call me tomorrow then, no news is good news. That's means I passed. My blood pressure is fine and my weight gain is fine and the "little J's" heartbeat was 156. He is growing good and now I have to start going every 2 weeks. The farther along you get the more they want to see you in the office.
We did finally decide on a name but we're going to try to keep it a secret until he's born. We've never done that with any of our other boys so we're trying to be different this time. It will be JAC for his initials. Boy is he kicking more and stronger. It's been hard trying to sleep in the bed so I think I'm going to start sleeping in the recliner as of tonight. But first I have to fold the three loads of laundry on my bed. Chris is great about washing clothes...I hardly never have to put any laundry in but then I can't keep up folding it. :-/ Guess I better get off this computer...don't get on facebook tonight....turn off the tv and get the dishwasher loaded and start on the clothes. GOOD NIGHT!