Father's Day

Well I got so busy packing and planning for this trip to Boston I forgot to send out Father's Day cards. So I'll dedicate this post to my dad.

He's always been there for me when I called and always had encouraging things to say. He raised me to think positive and find the good in everything. He taught me to avoid conflict and don't start trouble. I owe a lot of who I am today to my dad. Even though we live in different states I know he would be here in a minute if I needed him. I guess you could say I'm daddy's little girl.

He was here when we had our first child and stocked my freezer full of meals. He encouraged me and hugged me when we told him about Jaron's cleft lip. He congratulated me when we announced we were pregnant with our 3rd son Jonah. And he was also happy to hear I'm now pregnant with our 4th child. He has always been supportive. What more could a girl ask for.

Thank you Dad Happy Father's Day! I love you.