
Well we got a new camera and I haven't taken time to read the book yet so not sure what the clicking noise is during the videos I take....try to ignore it :-D

Jonah has been trying to use the potty some today but not 100% in underwear all day...we've got a long way to go. He asked to sit on the potty this morning so I let him while I was drying my hair and Jaron came in and gave him a book to read...He looked at me and said "Bible"....HOW DID HE KNOW? That only one book of the bible but he was right!!!

Later this evening Chris got out the vacuum to do their room because apprently someone got a little carried away smashing crackers into the carpet...but he was distracted by a phone call so he left the vacuum cleaner and walked off....the boys are facinated with Jaron walks over and says "Hey Jonah you want to change the oil in it?"