Nothing New...

I went for another check up today. I am not dilated at all. She said the earliest they would induce me is 38 1/2 weeks. Which will be April 2nd or 3rd. The statistics show that a white male born early has a high likelyhood of requiring oxygen. I want him to come out today but I guess he's not ready. This has been the hardest pregnancy for me, physically. I cannot stand on my feet for more than 15 minutes at a time. My belly tightens up hard as a rock. My back hurts a lot and I cannot sleep without medication. Even that doesn't work sometimes. I guess the hardest part is not being able to do what I want with my boys. I feel like they are being put on the back burner because "mommy doesn't feel good". Anyway, I am just ready for Jonah to get here. I go back next Wed. for another checkup. Please pray for early delivery. I do not want to go full term with this baby. I hate to complain cause I know so many other women who have it worse than me. I just don't like laying around all the time. I am not a lazy person and it's making me CRAZY. Just pray for me....