Cute little pipe cleaner glasses we made...
My little professors...
And last but not least, Jacob was in his first wedding. My sister got married and he was the ring bearer. He was so funny, winking at the audience and raising his eyebrows at everyone. He did very well though. Went right up on stage and stood in his place with no problems.
Last week was pretty rough though. He started running a fever of 101.8 on Tues. and I kept it down with tylenol and motrin then Wednesday I gave him more when he woke up burning up again. The medicine didn't work this time. I called the doctor and got him in and by the time we got there he was up to 103. He was swabbed for strep and flu and they both were positive. Evidently everyone in Hall county has it. So we got his meds and came home. He was feeling pretty rough for about 3 days then he seemed to get better after we got some meds in him. Thank God that is over and I didn't get it!!!