Random cell pics

Note: One thing I forgot to post yesterday ~ I think it's very ironic all the time I spend washing my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher.... :-/ Oh and remind me to never start the dishwasher at midnight again....I could not go to sleep for all the unusual noises..... :-(

Occassionally Jacob will get my cell phone and start taking pictures of things so I decided the other night to check my phone and see what was on it. I had 174 pictures most of which were objects and not people. He takes pictures of toys, tv, carpet, his hand, ceiling fans...and more. SO after deleting most of them I found a bunch I had taken over the last 3-4 months that were cute and I wanted to share....

Jonah loves Nanny
Jacob crossing his eyes being silly
Jaron's cool sunglasses
Jonah making himself at home at the library
Jonah had to try on the sunglasses... :-D Yes he's in his pj's we just went to the bank....we were all in our pjs actually....we did not get out of the car..just had to rush before they closed....we got another one of our mailbox blessings...that's a whole other post for tomorrow maybe.


I was in my van today driving down the road and noticed a "christian gifts" store located about 50 feet from a liquor store....kinda ironic

I often tell the boys "get off the coffee table!" and then I find myself sitting on the coffee table to tie their shoes or something....not ironic...that's kinda misleading...I mean ~ mommy's on the coffee table so why can't they jump off of it or stand on it and dance? Poor table is falling apart....should we get a new one and hope they don't break it or wait until they are moved out to by new furniture? :-D

I got some stuff done today making appointments and researching some things online...Feels good to take care of business. I suprisingly don't have a headache and seem to be getting them less these days. THANK GOD!

While putting Jaron to bed tonight I was laying on his bed talking to him and the whole time we talked his hand was rubbing my cheek and I said "why are you rubbing my cheek?" he said "Because I love your face!" If my boys only knew how much I love them....I check on them 2-3 times before I go to bed...I hear their every cough during the night and sometimes they talk in their sleep. I am always partially awake for their every need. Motherhood changes they way we think, eat, sleep and even the way we talk. But it's all for the better.

I wrote a poem about being a mother:

What's the rush?

Why do I always rush? Why do I feel like I need to rush? I rush my kids and there's really no reason. It's all about being in bed by 8pm. But whose watching? I mean I don't have anyone to answer to if they get in bed at 8:05. WHO CARES?!?! My husband and I set the rules and we can change them if we want to. I feel like I am so strict with our schedule that I can't even give myself some slack. Seriously....what's the rush? We have no where to be most of the time but I am always rushing. That's just another one of my bad habits I want to change. I mean I know that children need structure and routine is a great thing. I love our schedule and they do too. But I think I'm too hard on myself.

I guess it's because they don't get outside much right now, but they have so much energy and sometimes play in bed for an hour before falling alseep. I can't wait until summer time when they can play outside all day and get wore out so they will sleep better. They love going to the park and we pack our lunches and eat there at the picnic tables. Jonah is bigger now too so he can go down the slides and things. Last summer he was too scared.

Anyway we had a good day at church and even squeezed in our afternoon nap. :-D Trying to go to bed earlier. So I gotta go clean the kitchen and brush my teeth.....goodnight.

Did you know?

Here's a few fun facts for you....
My birthday is 10/12/80
Chris's is 2/14/78
Our anniversary is 12/26/98
Mine 12th+His 14th= anniv. 26th :-D

Jacob was born on 9/12/02 one day early (my mom's birthday)
He weighed 8lbs. born at 3:17pm

Jaron was born on 6/29/05 one day late
He weighed 8lbs. born at 3:14pm

Jonah was born on 4/4/08 one week early (induced)
He weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz!!! Born at 6:40pm

Yes I saved that outfit and they all wore the same one for their pictures. Jacob and Jaron weighed the same but Jonah was the only one with the double chin! :-D (and he still has it) I love my boys and all the pain I went through to have them was worth it. God has been so good to us.

The Beach...

...or "kinda like"~ that's what Jaron said when he took his blanket and sunglasses into our room where Chris was and spread it out and laid down. "Look daddy's it's kinda like the beach".
I am too tired tonight to write anything funny or emotional...just going to bed and praying for a pretty day tomorrow....might take the kids to the park for a picnic.

Faith & Family

Well for those who don't know I babysit children in my home for some extra income. I love staying at home with my boys and being able to make a little money too. I am here when Jacob gets off the bus and can also keep my house clean. I knew when I was 12 years old I wanted to get married and have kids and stay at home with them. I really want to homeschool but it's just not an option right now. Jaron will be registered for kindergarten next week. OMGOSH!!! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? I also cannot believe I am going to be 30 this year! WHAT? Did I just say that? It's crazy how our body ages but our minds feel so young.

I am so thankful I found Chris when I did and we got married when I was 18. God has blessed him with a great job and he just got a raise by the way! :-D We have wonderful insurance too. Some days I feel like getting a public job would be good for me. You know socializing with other adults. But then I think about how much more important it is for me to be here for my children. I cannot imagine how so many moms work and have kids at home to raise. Staying home and keeping the house clean is full time 24/7 job. I am always on call. I am not complaining though. I love my boys and do not regret having them. God is amazing and He's taken care of all our needs. I love that saying "Where God guides He provides". Our boys were not accidents...they were all planned and wanted. We are content with our lives and our home.

"Not that I speak in respect of want, for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phillipians 4:11

Family Games

I guess it was last summer we started playing games with the boys almost every night at bedtime. Jonah goes to bed about 7:30 and the boys take turns picking which game they want to play. Well we started out with just this one "Sorry Sliders" But then for christmas we told everyone that's what they wanted was some kids games. So now we have them all. Connect Four, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Wheel of Fortune Jr., Yahtzee Jr. Checkers, Snakes and Ladders, Uno Attack, Gone Fishing, Scrabble Jr. and some more I can't remember them all. This is our time to turn the tv OFF and spend some quality time with our boys. They love it and look forward to this time. I can't wait until Jonah gets old enough to join in the fun.

Jaron told me again today in the car that he wants to marry me. I love that child. We were going to their dentist appointment they both got their teeth cleaned today. Jacob's bottom front teeth are too crowded and will need braces. Jaron has 2 cavities but they told me that the Pediasure we give him is HORRIBLE for their teeth. She said it's one of the worst things. But he has to have it. He just does not eat enough. He's going to be 5 in June and he is only 34 lbs. I am seriously running out of ideas and feeling a little desperate for help for him. I can't wait to go to Boston and talk to them about him pocketing food still. I've been researching tongue thrusting and the dentist told me today he does it. That means he is pushing his tongue forward when he swallows because his top jaw is smaller. Normally when a person swallows you should put your tongue on your palate. She also told me his palate was very shallow. Please pray we find an answer for his eating problems and one day he will learn to love food.

Laughing Too Much

When Jacob got home from school today he started tickling Jonah and we all love to hear him laugh. But then he stopped and said to me "Ok, I'm gonna stop now because I don't want to break his laughing box." I said "what?" and he said "If you laugh too much it will break your laughing box" I just smiled and said ok. He's got a big imagination. :-D

Little Einsteins.....

Jonah loves to sing the ABC's and Jaron wanted to help him...My boys are all so smart. I have heard that some kids go to kindergarten not even knowing their ABC's or how to write their name. It's so sad to me that a mother would not take the time to teach their child something that simple. I often feel like there are so many things I could do better but then I watch a couple episodes of supernanny and kinda feel like a good mother compared to some of them. :-D

This picture was take yesterday before walking out the door for church. Jonah loves to wear ties and asks for one every sunday. Jaron does too but his shirt was missing the top button so he said to me "We'll just skip it" :-D and Jacob used to wear ties as a baby and toddler but now I have to MAKE him and sometimes I am just not in the mood to argue so I give in and let him go without....they are just so darn handsome....

Sunday souls....

We had a great church service today. One soul got saved, one got baptized and one got called to preach.What a blessing...God has been so good to our family. I have to say I am excited to see what God is going to do in our lives and in our church. Our oldest son Jacob started asking about Heaven and saying he didn't want to go to the fire. He would bust out crying sometimes in the car talking about it. Then one day he said he got saved. We weren't sure if he was just saying that or if he understood what he was saying. So we didn't talk about it anymore and he stopped asking questions. Then recently others got saved at our church and we asked Jacob "when did you get saved?" and he said "I told you in May" so we told him he needed to get baptized next. So he was nervous and we had to practice a few times in the bath. But he did get baptized March 7th 2010. Now Jaron wants to do it. In God's time.....

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 19:14

Back in Time

Well I have good news...I am feeling better. Still not 100% but atleast I can talk now. Just got home from a 50's birthday party...

I got the boys bathed and was kissing them goodnight when
Jaron said to me "Mommy I'm gonna be a daddy"
I said "you have to get married first"
he said "I'm gonna marry you"
Doesn't that just melt your heart....did mine....
I love my boys....

We didn't get one of Jaron....maybe someone else did and I can post it later....

My little artists...

The boys wanted to paint the other day...

They love to paint and make me wonderful art to hang on the fridge....but then they started acting silly and Jaron did this...
Uh OH!!! No worries...one of the many things I have learned not to freak out about....it's just water colors....they are so easy to clean up. :-D
Then Jacob came home from school limping saying he hurt his leg....very close to his private so I took him to the doctor to make sure he didn't have a hernia...everything is fine...just a pulled muscle...so he got the bright idea to use their guitar as a cane! LOL
And this is just another one of those things I have learned to not let bother me. The mess in their room....is it really important? No who cares. As long as they are all fed and happy and clean. :-D

Sick & Weak

Well I am sick and have been now for 7 days. Coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose. I am starting to wonder if this will ever go away. I do NOT like these recycled tissues I bought....they are like wiping your nose with a brillo pad. OUCH! My boys were sick first and then I got it. I just hope Chris doesn't get it. I might try some of that Emergen-C I have in the cabinet. I have discovered I love mangos and they are packed full of vitamin A and good for the sinuses. I have been eating one every day for weeks. I also have been cutting back on junk food and eating more fruits. I want to eat more vegetables but my tongue does not agree with me. I have lost 6 lbs. in just doing that though. I wish I could like things like broccoli and cauliflower and spinach....YUCK! I try them and just cannot force myself to get a second bite. I want my boys to eat healthier but how can I get them too if I'm not.

Oh that reminds me....I caught myself yesterday saying several times all day long to the boys "BE NICE!" well how can I expect them to be nice if I am not leading by example? Just another one of my mothering faults. We all have them and I am willing to admit that. I need to change a lot of things in my attitude and my life. That is why I go to church and read my bible and pray. I am looking for help from God. Just because I say I'm a christian doesn't mean I'm sinless it just means I sin less.

Some things I love....

I love it when my husband and I get things done like a well oiled machine without even discussing it first. I mean dinner, homework, baths, bedtime story.....we are a great team.

I love it when my 7 year old comes up to me out of no where and says "I just love you mommy" he suprisingly doesn't even notice I'm not wearing make up or still in my pj's with my hair in a messy clip. He just loves me.

I love it when my almost 2 year old comes to me with his arms out and says "hold you"....so precious.

I love it when my 4 year old comes to me from across the room with his lip puckered saying "I need a kiss".

I love it when they eat all the dinner I cook and everyone is full and there aren't any leftovers.

I love it when my husband doesn't complain if I didn't plan a full dinner. Whether it's fish sticks or spaghetti he's happy and never complains.

I love it when I lay in the floor and my boys come to lay up close to me. They really just want to be loved. No matter how impatient I am or how many times they get a spanking they still love me regardless.

I love it when Jacob (7) tries to say things he's not quite sure how to pronounce or thought he was saying it right. Like yesterday he said "Hey Jonah do you want a piggy bank ride?"

I love it when Jaron (4) writes his name on a little piece of paper and brings it to me saying "Look what I made for you!!!" with the biggest smile so proud of what he did and can't wait to see me happy.

I love it when I ask Jonah "do you love me?" and he says "uh hu I do" adorable...

I love it when my husband and I think of new ways to save money...

I love it when my husband buys me flowers for no reason or gets me card just because.

I love it when the boys are all asleep and I and sit down to relax but sometimes the silence is lonely.

I love it when I read another moms blog and I see that I am not the only one who struggles daily to balance out my time with children, husband, housework and self. It's a struggle and I'm learning to accept that no one is perfect.

I love watching Jaron help Jonah undress himself when we get home from church and Jonah stands there and lets him. so sweet....

I love hearing Jacob read and watching him get off the bus and wave to the bus driver.

There are so many things that make me smile ~ these are just some of them.

One thing I always said if I was rich I would pay someone to play with my hair all day long ~ it's so relaxing and I LOVE IT!

Turning Point....

Well I have been blogging about Jaron on here since I was pregnant with him. And because he had his own blog I felt like it was only fair to create one for Jacob and Jonah too. Well I am tired of posting to 3 different blogs. :-D I have decided to put Jaron's "Cleft" behind us and use this blog for the whole family and to tell about our lives. I am using the same web address so I could keep all Jaron's post in the archives. And I merged all the posts from Jonah & Jacob's blogs onto this one. The video I made of his 1st year is at the bottom of this page too. I just think I need to move on and stop focusing on all that. I know my blog has helped so many on their journey because I have gotten tons of emails from new/pregnant moms asking for help. All the links will still be on the sidebar. I feel like I have gotten so wrapped up in reading other blogs that I have neglected my own. It has become annoying to post to 3 different ones and mine needed a facelift.

So after hours of searching online for a good background.....and I mean HOURS. I finally settled with this one. I am not lovin' this blue background but it will do for now until I can find something I really love. Anyway, this is it the new Cote Family blog. We will no longer just focus on Jaron and his issues. We are whole family and I don't want to single him out. He needs to feel like he's part of us. I know you are thinking "Does he actually read the blog" well no he doesn't but this is my way of reprogramming my mind for all areas of our life. He still doesn't eat good and I feel like we focus too much on the negative things. Jaron needs to feel "normal". He's going to kindergarten next year (and I'm scared to death)!!! If you have any suggestions for new decorations or another website I could find a better background please feel free to chime in. Thanks to everyone who has been reading our story.