Why do I go to church?

I go to church to worship God, learn more about Him and how I am supposed to be living. I want to be around like-minded people. I like singing songs about Heaven and Jesus and what He's done for me. And I like to praise the Lord for all His blessings He has given our family.

There are many reasons...

I am sure it's easier for most to come up with an excuse as to why they don't go to church. You might have been hurt in church or had one bad experience and never want to go back. Well if that is the way we handled everything in life where would be?

If I left Chris the first time he hurt my feelings in our marriage it would be ridiculous.

If I got embarrassed at Walmart one time does that mean I will never go back?

Everywhere we go in life things happen we don't agree with. God made us all so different and I am so thankful for that! If we were all the same life would be BORING.

We should be able to put all our differences aside and come together to worship the Lord without all the gossip, jealousy, hatred, bitterness and frustrations of this world getting in the way. As my old pastor used to say, "Let's just keep the main thing, the MAIN thing!"

I have learned that I don't go to church to feel accepted by the people or liked by anyone. I don't go to impress anyone or brag about myself. I don't sing to be recognized or praised on how well I sang. I don't raise my hands and praise the Lord to look super spiritual in front of others. I don't go to the altar and pray because I want to be seen.

It's a personal relationship between me and my Savoir. I want to draw closer to Him.
 I want Him to know I love Him by obeying His word to the best of my ability.

It's not about me.....it's ALL about HIM!

Faith in Prayer REALLY DOES WORK!

 We need to Fight Virtuously NOT fight viciously

Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Virtuously means morally good. How we behave and treat other people. Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them... Something I say daily to my boys. If we want others to be nice to us, we have to be nice to them first. Lead by example. Pray for them. 

Why don't we pray more? God wants to hear from us, and He wants to bless us. Matthew 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. The invitation to pray implies that there are blessings waiting for us at the mercy seat. So why don't we believe God can? James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. We try to make things happen because we don't want to wait on God to provide. (Credit cards)

The key to getting our prayers answered is believing. Prayer is the world's greatest wireless connection. We can fight yall...on our knees, driving (eyes open), in the shower, while you're cooking, cleaning or doing laundry, just talk to God. when it feels like we can't do anything else, we can always pray. 

Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.  

When people got in my husbands face telling him how to preach and I could not say anything. Exodus 14:14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. That was the hardest time in my life. While we were there, money was always tight and we pinched pennies. But we never missed a meal. 

I didn't know Jonah (9) was praying for God to send us groceries and Bro. Stacy Pearcy showed up with a truck load from Sam's Club. Everything we needed and so much more!  Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.  (I had to drive an hour to just buy another shelf for all the groceries)

Jeremiah 33:3 - Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

The next year a church from AL we had never met brought us a palate full of groceries specific things we like to eat and could not find or some we could not afford. Chris could not get off work so I took his truck and 4 boys drove an hour to walmart and backed up to their 18 wheeler so they could load us down! WHAT A BLESSING! We had to put some food in the floorboard under the boys feet to get home.

Matthew 6:6 - But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

After 3 years of pouring our lives into this church and feeling beat down spiritually and my health was getting worse, I didn't want to complain to my husband and be the wife that ruined his ministry. So I started praying for 2 weeks constantly all day long, whispering under my breath while homeschooling or just in my heart, praying for God to let us move back to GA. Then on April 4th 2019 my husband told me it was time to go and God had been dealing with him for 2 weeks about it. Its just amazing how God works if we will trust Him.

Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer... (should be as natural as breathing)

Has there ever been a time you watched your children or husband folding clothes or washing dishes but they were doing it "wrong" or maybe you knew there was an easier way. You want to help but you are just waiting for them to ask.

God feels the same way about us. He wants to help us and bless us to make out lives easier but He's just waiting for us to ask. James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. waver means to be undecided between two opinions or courses of action. Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. The word pray in all its forms is found 508 times in the Bible. It must be pretty important

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. Pray about it as much as you think about it. Take it to the throne before you take it to your phone. No matter how hopeless a situation may seem. God can move mountains if we have the faith of a mustard seed. I have seen him do it so many times. Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

When we moved to back to GA 3 years ago and there was a donkey next door that never shut up. Yall is it hard to homeschool boys with a loud annoying donkey outside. So I started praying for God to get rid of the donkey and one day I woke up and looked out the window and they were loading up the donkey on a truck! I am not kidding! It was a MIRACLE!

It is true! The more we see God answer our prayers, it increases our faith and brings us closer to Him. If you ONLY pray when you are in trouble then you are in trouble.

As Christian women, we read that about the Proverbs 31 Woman, and we are either inspired or completely intimidated by the list of amazing qualities she has, thinking, “I could never measure up to her!”

This is not just a list of character qualities of a godly woman, but this is King Lemuel’s mother’s idea of a good woman for her son. The kind of woman we need to teach our sons to look for in a wife. The kind of woman we can strive to be for our husbands. 

A woman of virtue is a woman who is prepared to fight. This doesn’t necessarily mean fighting like a warrior would fight in battle, but a is a courageous woman who fights for her home. She is prepared in season and out of season, takes care of the matters of her home, and is a spiritual example of godliness that can crush any opposing force. 

 Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you. Duet. 3:22

We are given a portrait of a woman who: Is a hard worker, provider of food, business savvy, diligent with her daily tasks, resourceful & a planner. 

We need to be a woman of wisdom, and use our words to uplift and encourage those around us.  The way to combat the enemy, we need to always pray, read the Bible and encourage ourselves and each other with gospel music to get through this life. Fill our minds and hearts with the things of God. Compliment each others strengths instead of pointing out flaws. 

Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

Ladies we have more power than we realize in our homes. We can easily fall into the trap of reflecting back someone’s mood like a thermometer detects the temperature in a room or we can be a thermostat that sets the temperature/mood in the home. Which one are you thermometer or thermostat?

Remember this is a spiritual battle we are fighting. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

Our prayers may be awkward and our attempts may be feeble. But the power of prayer is in the one who hears it not the one who says it. If we don't pray because we don't feel worthy that is like saying I won't take the medicine because I'm too sick. People may refuse our love or reject our message, but they are defenseless against our prayers.

Time 4 Learning

The Time4Learning is a Trusted homeschool solution for over 500,000 families. The curriculum gives students the independence they crave, as they progress at their own pace. The multimedia lessons feel more like games making it perfect for teaching new concepts. Students are safe in our secure, ad free, online learning environment.
Parents love the tools and support that Time4Learning provides. Families have access to resources such as printable lesson plans, homeschool teaching tools, detailed reporting, activity scheduling and parental support through the online Parent Forum.

Time4Learning is web-based and accessible from any computer with an internet connection. Members get 24/7 access to a whole year’s worth of materials, so you can begin at any time and use the program however you see fit.

The automated system grades lessons, tracks progress and keeps reports for homeschool portfolio usage. Reports can be accessed at any time through the Parent Administration page and can be pulled by date or subject.

Pre-K — 8th

Monthly First Student
$14.95/Month for Each Additional Student

What to do When the World Shuts Down?

As the world around us cancels events, postpones activities and shuts down for a while, we need to stay calm and do the next right thing.

Lets just focus on the things we can control. Try not to panic because we do know that God is still in control.

This is all new for all of us. Even as a homeschooler it's changed our lives a little. Our church is cancelled meeting together but instead we watch online. We have to plan meals for a month at a time.

For those who are learning to work/school from home I can't imagine the stress you are going through. You are in the middle of this new way of life and we don't know how long it will last. Remember this will not last forever. Things will get back to normal one day. We don't know how long but everything will be ok.

Don't allow the devil to steal your joy and create fear in your heart. Watching the news to stay updated once a day is ok. Just don't be consumed by the news and watch it all day. It can stir up fear in your mind and before you know you will be having a full blown panic attack.

There is always a silver lining in hard times. During this time of isolation try to focus on the positive effects it is having on your family.

-we are saving money by staying home
-we are forced to spend more time with each other
-less crime will likely happen when most people aren't leaving their house
-there will be less car accidents
-more people are praying now more than ever before
-our faith is growing as we trust in God for our health

God is not surprised but this. Read this chapter from the Bible and see how this only more signs that we are getting closer to the rapture of the church.

Matthew 24

1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Educational Netflix Shows

Here is a list of the Best Educational Shows on Netflix:

Our Planet-Gorgeous docuseries features animal life and natures wonders.

Brain Games (MY BOYS FAVORITE) Captivating look at your mind's abilities.

Night on Earth-Revelatory nature documentary captures nocturnal animals worldwide.

The Who Was? Show-A crash course in important historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, Joan of Arc, Bruce Lee, Marie Curie and more.

Cutest Animals- Discover 72 of the cutest animals on earth and how their adorable features help protect them.

The Mars Generation- Teenagers at NASA's Space Camp dream of traveling to Mars while experts reflect on the future and history of NASA.

Dangerous Animals-Find out the most deadly creatures on earth!

The Mind Explained- Ever wonder what's happening inside your head? From dreaming to anxiety disorders, discover how your brain works.

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of John

The Gospel of Mark



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What is homeschooling?
Homeschooling is a viable education alternative to institutional schooling. In compliance with state laws regarding this type of education, children learn under the general supervision of their parents. Parents and children, conferring with each other, assume control of the content of their learning. It is a complete substitute for institutional schooling.

Legal Options
Is it legal? Homeschooling is legal in all fifty US states. The laws vary from state to state. It is also legal or becoming more acceptable in all provinces in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, in the United Kingdom, Puerto Rico, Japan, South Africa and other countries as well. In some countries it is practiced illegally as homeschoolers work to change the laws. What’s the best source of legal information? The people in your area. Local homeschooling groups have experienced homeschoolers who will prove to be the best sources of information on how to meet the legal
requirements in your school district. Be sure you have an experienced, reliable source for information. And remember: these people are not lawyers! It is up to you to read the law for yourself. After all, you are the one ultimately responsible for compliance. Home School Legal Defense Association http//www.HSLDA.org  CHECK LAWS FOR EACH STATE

Actually Homeschooling
What approach should I take? Nobody can make this decision for you. It is up to your family how to best approach the education of your children. Whatever approach you choose to take, you will succeed. Your children will learn far faster and more thoroughly than they would have in school because of the personal attention and the personalized education you give them. You have the luxury and the privilege of altering your approach as soon as you see it isn’t working as you would like. Focus on helping your children grow and flourish according to your own family’s loving values of what makes a successful human being. 

Where can I get ideas? 
Organizations—Many national, state and local homeschooling organizations have publications and conferences full of great ideas. Enrichment programs such as Scouts, Campfire and 4-H have books and materials you can purchase even if you aren’t members. Local museums and industries have learning opportunities for children.
Publications—While homeschooling publications will help you with specific homeschooling concerns, don’t forget to check those general parenting and hobbyist publications for great project and learning ideas.
Web Sites—Just type any topic in the search field, and voila! You have loads of suggestions on things to do! It almost seems as though there is no end to the educational resources available online.
Books—Read about successful homeschooling families and their approaches to learning. True, the authors only write about their best days and most creative ideas. After all, what family is perfect? But even if you only manage maybe one really great project a week from these books, you’re doing great!
The Library—The children’s librarian is your friend. Cultivate and nurture that relationship. She’ll be your best resource for years to come. Ask her to watch for new books and publications with ideas of things you can do with your kids. 

I couldn’t possibly do this! The challenges some homeschooling families face are incredible, yet still their children learn and thrive. Within these families exists the “Love Factor” that serves to make them more cohesive, more capable than they were before they decided to homeschool.
*Kids don’t need geniuses or a team with teaching certificates. They need resourceful parents who will help them find the answers to their questions, who are willing to spend the bulk of each and every day with them, who will drive them to enrichment activities or over to their friends’ houses, who don’t obsess about test scores. They need parents who believe in them, who are confident enough to let them find their own destiny and help them be all they can be.

Homeschool Methods and Philosophies
What approaches are there?
  • Structured—Sometimes called “school at home,” it can also include those who just like to have a very organized, goal-oriented day: a “DayRunner” school!
  • Interest-initiated—Some call this approach “unschooling.” These families learn from real life experiences. Kids pursue their interests with encouragement and resources provided by their parents. These families might have a monthly calendar with a few key events noted on it.
  •  Learning-style—Learning materials and activities are chosen based on how the children learn best.
  •  Philosophical—These homeschools are structured around educational philosophies studied by the parents.
  • Accelerated—Resentful of being called “pushy,” these parents feel their children have special talents that deserve intense, daily focus. The children may also have determined goals to reach.
  • Accommodating—Some families need to structure their homeschooling around the special needs of one or more people in their family.
  • Unit-based—AKA the unit study approach, all learning is focused on a particular topic for a period of time, each child learning at their own level of understanding.
  •  Community—Community activities: religious involvement, a youth organization, volunteer work: group situations that they or others like them have organized. Families spend a significant portion of their time learning from involvement outside the home.
  •  Eclectic—Any combination of the above! Families pick and choose from all the wonderful options available to them and alter their course as needed.

Unschooling or “Child Directed”
Unschooling is not easily defined. The range of homeschoolers claiming the unschool label vary from “radical unschoolers” who disdain any form of curricula or textbooks to those who prefer child-led learning but might also be called eclectic. All homeschooling was originally called unschooling by John Holt, one of the pioneers of the movement. Gradually the term has come to mean those who use no formal curricula but make liberal use of the learning opportunities that present themselves in daily life. Family unschoolers network: http://www.unschooling.org John Holt and Growing Without Schooling: www.holtgws.com

Eclectic Method
If you find yourself combining several of the homeschool methods, you are probably an eclectic homeschooler. Eclectics tend to gather what works for them from multiple styles of homeschooling and leave out what doesn’t fit with their family. Eclectic Homeschooling Lite: www.eho.org

Classical Method
Classical homeschooling involves teaching based on the three stages of learning: the Grammar stage, the Logic stage, and the Rhetoric stage. The Grammar stage involves learning facts, memorization, and knowledge gathering. The Logic stage is when reasoning and logic begin to be applied to the knowledge. The Rhetoric stage is when the student learns the skills of wisdom and judgment.
The Charlotte Mason Method Charlotte Mason was a 19th century educator who believed “the souls of all children are waiting for the call of knowledge to awaken them to delightful living.” Some of the characteristics of a Charlotte Mason education are using living books, copywork, narration, keeping a nature journal, and introducing music, art, poetry, and great literature among other resources.

Unit Study Method
Unit studies are popular because they can be hands-on or literature-based. This method typically encompasses all of the scholastic subjects through the study of one topic (Weaver units or KONOS character units, for example) or a specific subject (Evan-Moor science units or Teacher Created Materials units, for example) http://heartofwisdom.com/artman/publish/article_272.shtml ; http://www.thefourwheelers.com/units ; http://designastudy.com/support/about.html ; http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lessonthemeoftheweek ; www.holdthatthought.com ; www.handsofachild.com ; www.scrapbookingtolearn.com

The Moore Formula
Raymond and Dorothy Moore are often called the grandparents of the homeschool movement. The Moore Foundation has been providing support and guidance for parents for many years. The Moores are best known for their theory that structured school work should not begin before age 8.
Textbook Method or “School at Home”
Many new homeschoolers feel most comfortable replicating school at home. The use of textbooks is most common the first year or two of homeschooling while the parent builds their confidence. Many homeschoolers continue to find the textbook method works for their family while others may continue to use textbooks for some subjects and branch into unit studies or unschooling for other subjects. (see websites on the Catalog page (page 7) for specific textbook curriculum from Abeka, Bob Jones University, Alpha Omega {THE BEST}, Rod and Staff, Etc.

Computer Curriculum
Most computer-based homeschooling is really just an off-shoot of the textbook method. Instead of paper books, the child’s curriculum is either through an online company or a home-based program that is purchased on CDROM. www.home-school.com/mall/curriculum (on the left side of this web-page, click on subject list under “Software Hall”) www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/homeschool_curriculum  www.time4learning.com/homeschool-curriculum.htm

Hybrid Method 
This is a mixture of home schooling and enrollment in a charter, virtual, Christian or public school.

Relaxed Method
Relaxed homeschoolers do not rely on textbooks for learning. They stress the need for goals, coupled with an openness to many ways of attaining them. Children have input into these decisions.

Homeschool Information and Resources
Homeschool parents need to contact the GA DOE to fill out the Declaration of Intent form (which needs to be submitted within 30 days of beginning of a homeschool program)
Local Homeschool Websites

There are SEVERAL Homeschool Facebook Groups you can join for moral support and guidance from other moms just like you!

Northeast Georgia Homeschoolers

E.A.G.L.E.S. Home Educators

Hall County Library System
Headquarters Library
127 Main Street NW
Gainesville, GA 30501


Pierce Wholesale
1021 Jesse Jewel Parkway
Gainesville, GA 30501

Hall Book Exchange
1854 Thompson Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA

School Tools
2121 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30501


  • HOMESCHOOLING 101 (general & specific methods/philosophies)
  • The Christian Home Educators’ Curriculum Manual: Elementary Grades K-6 by Cathy Duffy 1997
  • The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell 1997
  • First Year of Homeschooling Your Child: Your Guide to Getting Off to the Right Start by Linda Dobson
  • Homeschooling the Early Years (3-8 year-olds) by Linda Dobson 1999
  • Homeschooling the Middle Years (8-12 year-olds) by Shari Henry 1999
  • The Complete Home Learning Source Book: The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers/Parents/Educators by Rebecca Rupp
  • The Unofficial Guide to Homeschooling by Kathy Ishizuka 2000
  • Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling by Mary Pride 2004
  • The Big Book of Home Learning, volumes 1-3 by Mary Pride
  • The Original Home Schooling Series, volumes 1-6 by Charlotte Mason 1906 (reprinted by Tyndale House in 1989) 
  • Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola 1998
  • Better Late Than Early by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore; School Can Wait by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore
  • The Three R’s: A Home Start in Reading; An Easy Start in Arithmetic; A Strong Start in Language (gr.K-3) by Ruth Beechick 1986
  • You Can Teach Your Child Successfully (gr. 4-8) by Ruth Beechick
  • For The Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
  • Educating the Whole Hearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson
  • The Home School Manual by Ted Wade
  • The Relaxed Home School by Mary Hood Ph.D.
  • The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer & Jesse Wise
  • The Unschooling Handbook: How to Use the Whole World as Your Child’s Classroom by Mary Griffith
  • Teach Your Own by John Holt     
The Right Choice: The Incredible Failure of Public Education and the Rising Hope of Homeschooling by Christopher Klicka
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore
So You’re Thinking About Homeschooling: Fifteen Families Show You How You Can Do It (second edition) by Lisa Whelchel 2005
Homeschooling More Than One Child: A Practical Guide for Families by Carren W. Joye 2005
Homeschooling Take a Deep Breath – You Can Do This! by Terrie Lynn Bittner 2005
Easy Homeschooling Techniques: The REAL How-To Guide, Third Edition by Lorraine Curry 2004
Homeschooling the Challenging Child: A Practical Guide by Christine M. Field 2005
The Joyful Homeschooler by Mary Hood 1997
The Way They Learn: How to Discover and Teach to Your Child’s Strengths by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias 1994
Every Child Can Succeed by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias 1996
In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child’s Personal Learning Style by Thomas Armstrong 1987
Awakening Your Child’s Natural Genius by Thomas Armstrong 1991
*FYI: The Christian Home Educators’ Curriculum Manuals by Cathy Duffy evaluate curricula according to the type of learner using
Golay’s model.
Teaching Children: A Curriculum Guide to What Children Need To Know at Each Level Through Sixth Grade by Diane Lopez 1988
What Your Child Needs to Know When: Grades K-8 by Robin Sampson 2001(revised edition)
How to Write A Low Cost/No Cost Curriculum For Your Home-School Child by Borg Hendrickson 1995
Learning Objectives For Grades Kindergarten Through Eight by Hewitt Homeschooling Resources 1995
The Christian Home Educators’ Curriculum Manual: Jr./Sr. High by Cathy Duffy 2000
Homeschooling the Teen Years (13-18 year-olds) by Cafi Cohen 2000
Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Homeschooling: Grades 7-12 by Mary Pride 2005
Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead for College Admission by Jeanne Gowen Dennis 2004
Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la by Barbara Edtl Shelton 1999 (third edition)
The Homeschooler’s Guide to Portfolios and Transcripts by Loretta Heuer 2000
Call phone number or check website to order catalog from each company listed below (most catalogs are free)
Bob Jones University www.bjupress.com 1-800-845-5731

Abeka www.abeka.org/123 1-800-874-3597 ext 123

Alpha Omega Publications www.AOP.com 1-800-622-3070

Sonlight www.sonlight.com 1-303-730-6292

Oak Meadow www.oakmeadow.com 1-802-387-2021

Rod & Staff Publishers Inc.
PO Box 3, Hwy 172
Crockett, KY 41413-0003
(no website) 1-606-522-4348

Christian Light Education www.clp.org 1-800-776-0478

Apologia www.apologia.com 1-888-524-4724

Veritas Press www.VeritasPress.com 1-800-922-5082

Calvert Calvertschool.org 1-888-487-4652

Accelerated Christian Education www.schooloftomorrow.com/homeschool 1-972-315-1776


CBD: Christian Book Distributors www.Christianbook.com 1-800-247-4784

Children's Books www.childsbooks.com 1-864-968-0391

Rainbow Resource Center www.rainbowresource.com 1-888-841-3456

R.O.C.K. Solid www.rocksolidinc.com 1-800-705-3452

The Book Peddler www.bookpeddler.us 1-800-928-1760

Scholastic www.scholastic.com/custsupport 1-800-724-6527

Dover Publications
31 East 2nd St.
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www.doverpublications.com (no phone number)

Moore Expressions www.mooreexpressions.com 1-757-523-4965

American Homeschool Publishing www.ahsp.com 1-800-684-2121

SMALLER SELECTION of unique books & supplies

Timberdoodle www.timberdoodle.com 1-800-478-0672

Hewitt Homeschooling Resources www.hewitthomeschooling.com 1-800-890-4097

Greenleaf Press www.greenleafpress.com 1-615-449-1617 (no catalogs available)
Beautiful Feet Books www.bfbooks.com 1-800-889-1978

Home Science Tools www.homesciencetools.com 1-800-860-6272
Nature's Workshop Plus! www.naturesworkshopplus.com 1-317-862-5791
Carolina Biological Supply www.carolina.com 1-800-334-5551

Miller Pads and Paper www.millerpadsandpaper.com 1-608-375-2181
MATH Math U See Mathusee.com 1-888-854-6284
Saxon Publishers Saxonpublishers.harcourtachieve.com 1-800-284-7019

Don't Give The Critic Words

The critic only lives if we let them live. Not the critic that is helpful and has your best interest at heart. I mean the spiteful one. the petty one. the one who said those things way back when. Maybe the one that just lives in your own head. That time is passed and the only voice that critic has in your life is yours.

I wonder how today would be different. I wonder how your next decision would change if you refused to give the critic words. The critic is a tricky companion because all critics are not created equally. Just because someone is critical doesn't automatically mean you should ignore them. But it also doesn't automatically mean they are right.

We can learn a lot from critic, correction, critical thinking and direction. But the trouble comes when we allow all critical voices to weigh the same amount. When it comes to making decisions and learning to trust God instead of our heart. We have to be careful who we allow in.

It's not necessary or healthy to have people always agree with you. The critic to most seriously consider is the one coming from those who believe in you. If someone who believes in you and your work is pointing out a weakness or trying to make things better, its helpful to consider their words with humility and grace. Resist the urge to close yourself off from them.

But if the critic not only disagrees but also doesn't believe in you, their words have less meaning. Like that stranger on the internet, the off hand opinion your brothers, girlfriends, sisters, roommate has of your Instagram post. The angry customer who just refuses to be satisfied. These are the ones who have the least right to influence your life. But somehow for some reason they end up getting the most power. how do I know? because right now as you are reading this I'm sure you can remember a particular critic voice in your mind and you remember their words exactly.

So what's your next right thing in this moment? it's time to call it truths. We aren't going to change their minds. Instead....lets change ours. Stop giving that critic words. Stop handing them the microphone. Take their seat from the table and put it out in the hall.

Jesus knows what it means to be questioned, challenged, humiliated and critiqued. Not once did he allow his negative critic to change one decision he made on earth. He was busy doing his father's business.

The critic points out my weakness and my fear but if I pay attention, they will also point out something else. A gift I would never dare to ask for and a motivation they never mean to give. The gift the critic brings whether we like it or not is a line in the sand. When the critic says words, we have to decide if we believe them. We have to decide who gets to say. The voice of the critic forces us to face our biggest fears and it turn, listen hard for the voice of God.

So I can worry or I can work. I can get stuck or I can move on. I can get defensive or I can be free.
Instead of giving the critic words. Here are some new words to consider: I believe nothing can separate me from the love of God.

If you have a decision to make to today, don't give your critic words. Be still, get quiet. Listen for God's voice and do the next right thing.

Cancer is a Blessing!

We all know someone who has had cancer. And believe it or not we all have some amount of cancer cells in our bodies. As long as we take care of our bodies and eat healthy the cancer cells cannot survive. Healthy cells thrive on oxygen but cancer cells thrive and feed on sugar.

38% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives.

It is impossible heal physically until we have healed spiritually and emotionally.

We all have the potential to be cancer killers. Its really not even a disease its a collection of stresses we impose on our body that causes the cells to mutate and adapt to a hostile environment.

We can eliminate the causes of stress and restore our bodies to its full potential.

Having a small amount of cancer cells in our body already keeps our immune system strong and ready to fight off anything. So really its a blessing.

Our habits on a daily basis can be more destructive than radiation and chemo.

Cancer cells replicate every 90 days in a conducive environment. So if we are eating junk food and not taking good care of our bodies. In 5 years you can have 1 million cancer cells but still undetectable. After 8 years will have doubled 32 times and is now 4 trillion cells. And at 10 years its considered lethal but most people don't even know that have it until the 7th year. They call it early detection but it might just be too late.

That is why its important to take care of your body by eating healthy and avoiding sugar.
{Cancer thrives on sugar}
Don't wait until you find out you have cancer to start eating healthy.

DO IT NOW to keep your immune system strong and ready to fight off anything.

Our skin is our biggest organ and everything we put on our skin absorbs into your blood stream.
READ THE LABELS!!! If we can't eat it then we should not put it on our skin.

There has been scientific evidence that Prayer effects on a cellular level.
It actually does help us physically when we pray.

Did you know that only 2% of people survive after taking chemo!?!?
Did you know that tamoxifen is a very well known cancer drug but has also been classified by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION as a CARCINOGEN!?!?!

Imperial Chemical Industries also produced millions of pounds of vinyl chloride yearly which is a chemical in plastics linked SPECIFICALLY TO BREAST CANCER!

The American Cancer Society joined forces with the maker of tamoxifen to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month encouraging women to get their mammograms so they can claim to have found a lump and give them 
TAMOXIFEN (cancer causing drug)

Regular mammograms may actually be more harmful than good. They only save 1 person for every 25000 that are screened. Among those 25000 screened, 1000 will be give a FALSE positive. Told they have cancer but they really DO NOT! 500 of them will have an UNNECESSARY biopsy even though its not cancer. 5 or more will be treated even if they didn't have cancer at all. 

Cancer is a symptom of an unhealthy body. It shows up when a body is not functioning properly.


Our brain controls our body. We need to focus on good positive things and take care of our bodies with a healthy organic diet. Leave the results with God. When He is ready for us to go home he will take us no matter what.

What is Marriage?

Our culture today has gotten away from God's plan for marriage. We seem to think that our way is better than God's.

The protection of marriage and defense against unbiblical divorce is rooted in the worship of God.

Divorce was never part of the original plan. But because of sin, and its ability to blind peoples hearts, divorce has become the new normal.

If you want make your marriage work you have to be willing to sacrifice for each other. God knew we needed two genders in order to have a companion. When you leave your father and mother and cleave to one another you become ONE FLESH. It's not just talking about the physical part of a marriage. We cannot look at our lives as an individual. We must always have a "WE" outlook for all aspects of life. How "WE" spend our money. How "WE" plan vacation. We are not free to focus only on ourselves. Every decision we make from now on will affect our spouse, we are no longer two people, but ONE FLESH.

Do you live that way? Do you think about your spouse when you make decisions? Do you consider your spouse before spending money? Marriage is something bigger than just your happiness.

It's not all about YOU! It's not just about your comfort and happiness. 

God knew what He was doing when he made you and your spouse. He had a bigger plan that we couldn't see. There was not one surprise in all of this. 

We seem to always view life from a horizontal perspective "what is comfortable for ME". Instead of viewing life from a vertical perspective. Never a good idea.

God knows that we will feel weak and incapable of loving our spouse. He knows we will fail and struggle to forgive. The purpose of the marriage relationship is to force us to lean on Him for grace and redemption.

The problem in marriages that end in divorce is they have failed to worship God first and foremost.
Divorce is permissible in God's eyes in the case of adultery or the abandonment of an unbelieving spouse.

The hope for marriage is to worship God as your Savior not just your lawgiver. His grace is sufficient and is made perfect in our weakness. 

What it means to be Great?

We live in a culture that gets greatness all wrong. We are not great because we are famous or we are good at sports. We are not great because we are popular or beautiful. Those things do not define greatness.

Our culture is obsessed with celebrities. We have a twisted definition of greatness. We need to learn what the Biblical meaning of greatness really is.

Mark 9:34-35 "But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest. And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all."

All of us have been affected by sin. It is the ultimate human disease. None of us are able to deliver ourselves. Sin is not just behavior, its a matter of the heart. We cannot defeat sin because we cannot escape our flesh. So God made a way by sending his Son to die for our sins. There was no other way.

We are all guilty and unable, but God is Holy and Willing...Yet we all try to minimize the gravity of our condition. We are all so good and explaining away our sin. Blame it on being too busy or too tired. 

We can only celebrate the cross when we are ready to admit how desperate we are. The gospel is bad news before it becomes good news. It forces us to face the reality of sin in order to understand the glory of GRACE.

Sin fills us with a desire for our greatness. Sin makes it all about us. One of the most seductive idols Is the idol of self. That is why it feels so good to tell the best story. That is why it feels so good to win an argument. That is why it feels so good to drive a better car than your neighbor. That is why it feels so good to step over someone to climb the ladder of success. Sin causes us to put ourselves in the center of our world. We all do it!

Spending money we don't have on something to make us happy. Yelling at our children and walking away. We have all done it this week. Maybe even today.

Jesus came so we wouldn't live for ourselves. Greatness isn't about power, position, performance and possessions. Greatness is an attitude of the heart.

"But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." James 4:6

Greatness is attached to servanthood. We should live for the Greatness of God!

He motivates me to live for him instead of myself. Are you living as a Servant or a King?


I created these FREE PRINTABLES to help anyone struggling to get organized.

If you have any problems printing them please let me know.

Is my sin worse than yours?

Some people have the idea that there are small and big sins. They think some are ok and some are not. But according to the Bible all sin is wicked in God's eyes. No one "gets away" with sin. We will all suffer consequences for the things we do or don't do.

Special situations do not justify any kind of sin. It's still disobedience to God no matter the circumstances.

When children of God know the law of God and still willfully disobey we will suffer loss.

"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17

God made it very clear to Saul that his sin of rebellion was just as bad as witchcraft.

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king" 1 Samuel 15:23

During the early church when they were having great growth many people were giving lots of their possessions for the cause of Christ. They were not made to do that, they just wanted to give and see the church grow. But there was one couple Ananias and Sapphira, that got caught up in the excitement of giving. They told everyone they gave all they had, but actually they had kept back a portion for themselves. Because they lied they both died in the church. It wasn't required for them to give it all, but the fact that they lied about giving it all, God took their lives. They lied to the man of God and to God himself.

No sin is justifiable in God's eyes. Yes sometimes His grace spares us the punishment we deserve but he is hoping that we will acknowledge our mistakes and turn away from them.

"Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." Romans 5:20

Not getting immediate consequences for our sin is not an approval from God on our actions. Stealing one cent is still thievery. Cheating on your spouse only once is still adultery. Lying to the police about speeding is still lying. Yes, when we get saved our sins are forgiven, past-present-future. Staying in sin will not send us to hell, if we are saved, but it will steal our joy and cause us to suffer loss in our lives.

Our flesh gives us a fight every day when we wake up. We have a choice to make...please the flesh or please God.

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

Self Sacrifice in Ministry & Mothering

If you know anything about being in the ministry you know that its constantly sacrificing your time and energy for others. Its not easy because my flesh does not want to do those things. My spirit knows what is right and wants to do good for others, but my body does not.

We don't always see results from those things we do for others. Most of the time we won't see any kind of reward from sacrifice until we get to heaven. If you have the Holy Spirit living within you, then you should have the desire to live for Him. Living for God means dying to myself daily.

If we can learn to ignore what we want to instead do for someone else we will then be able to understand true sacrifice. Giving our lives to serve others and tell them about Jesus is not easy but it is worth it. Its the same way with mothering. I have to daily remember that my children need me and my life is not just about me anymore. Homeschooling 4 boys is definitely a daily challenge with many distractions and interruptions. The biggest challenge is not getting frustrated when they all need me at once.

I want to be the best mother and wife I can be. My flesh doesn't always want to cooperate. Sometimes I just want to stay in bed all day without having to cook or fold clothes. Sacrifice is something I have to do daily in order to honor God and take care of my children. My children's needs come before my wants.

Do you know what it's like to REALLY sacrifice your time or energy for those around you?

When they attack my (Pastor) Husband~How to respond

A pastor is held to a higher standard (James 3:1). He is responsible for teaching and shepherding his flock; as such, he needs to be held accountable.

But sometimes it feels like there are IMPOSSIBLE expectations for pastors.  Never sin. Never mess up. Never hurt someone’s feelings. In other words...don’t be human. But MY husband is human, and he does mess up. Therefore, he will face heavy criticism—some just and some unjust.

Why does criticism hurt so much? Maybe comparing criticism to the blows in a boxing match seems a bit extreme, but I know its true for me. Every time I hear someone criticize my husband, it feels like I’ve been punched in the gut. My husband (like so many other pastors) has been trained for ministry and knows to expect criticism. That doesn’t mean it’s easy for him, but he’s more prepared than I am. I am his wife, his other half. To hear people talking about him shakes me to the core. It is as much a criticism of me as it is of him because we are one.

Since I wasn’t trained to take these blows, how should I respond? I want to respond like I’m in the ring opposite these people, ready to strike back at them. I want to attack with everything in me. I want to defend my husband’s to all who will listen. I want to show his critics how wrong they are about him. But instead I cry. To watch him being attacked by a church member and so called "Christian" breaks my heart. I am restrained by the Holy Spirit to not say anything but the emotions inside me where so strong they came bubbling out of my eyes. I couldn't stop crying the entire service thinking of how my husband must feel but he was forced to get up and teach sunday school and preach pretending like nothing happened a few minutes before. 

I try to never forget that we are in an intense spiritual battle, and criticism can often be a tool of satan's to cause great damage.

What should we do? To be like Christ, we have to respond to our Christian brothers and sisters with love, whether we are in the wrong or not. 
Here are seven ways to respond to criticism:
Listen Respectfully, Pray, Seek Godly Advice, Remember That Hurt People, Hurt People
Cry Out To God, Get Some Distance, Be Encouraged By the Good