Root of the problem...

Have you ever wondered why people allow money to control them? I have met some like that in my life and it is very sad to me. I am so glad we don't have a lot of money because it ruins people. When a person has money they think they can buy friendships. They use their money to bribe and sway people to do what they want. They use their money to convince people and to deceive others.

The Bible says "the love of money is the ROOT of all evil" And most only look at the "love of money" part but notice the "root of all evil" means the cause of all our problems. The root....where all the evil starts~money is at the root of it. What a shame....

Love cannot be bought and neither can friendships. I am so thankful that God sees us for who we are and not how much we have. He looks at our hearts. The Bible also says God is no respector of persons. That means he does not hold anyone up higher than another. I feel the same way about people. We learned the hard way that people will fail you. They will let you down. We cannot put our faith in people. We must trust God and Him alone.

I will never allow someone to persuade me with their money. I have seen God provide for us so many times. People try to control others with their money. But I will not be controlled or manipulated by anyone. I too, am no respector of persons. We are all equal in God's eyes and we should treat each other equally with the same respect. I don't care if you are homeless or the president. We are all sinners and we all have a soul in need of salvation.