What REALLY matters?

Winter time is the time of year we tend to get colds and coughs. We sleep less and cough more. I've been using the diffuser for my essential oils daily. Boiling water on the stove keeps moisture in the air. Also using a humidifier upstairs.

Nose bleeds are my new normal. Blowing my nose is scary because I never know when it might start pouring blood.

My homemade remedies for cough, vicks and sore throat soother are used daily.

Its too cold to play outside and everyone just wants to cuddle up on the couch and watch movies.

Then there is the mom guilt. I try not to beat myself up when my kids aren't as active or when I don't keep the house clean.

I have learned over the last 19 years of being married that a clean house doesn't mean I'm a good wife or mother. It just means we live here. "People are more important than things".

Who cares if the laundry stays in the basket a few days?

I have relaxed a lot over the years about the housework. I used to stress out SO BAD about keeping things spotless.

Prioritizing things in order of importance helps me decided what I have to do NOW and what can wait until later.

Here are the order of things in my mind:

Everyone is fed
Everyone is clean
School is done
Dishes are done
Laundry is folded

On the days I have a headache or I'm just too tired the laundry and dishes are neglected.

I try to remember that its not going to kill anyone if the dishes sit in the sink all night. LOL

My husband is great about that too and never complains or fusses about things left undone.

He understands me and knows I will do it all eventually.

Not sure if I could do this life with anyone else....He just knows me.