Jaron's yearly check up in Boston

Jaron and I flew to Boston Friday June 14th for a check up with his surgeon, dentist & speech therapist.
It was an early start waking up at 4am and heading down to Atlanta airport at 5am to beat rush hour traffic. We made our flight on time at 8:45am but we were too excited to sleep!

{Superman was right outside our window}
We landed in Boston at 11:15am and got in a taxi for the short ride to
the hospital.

(we ate our PB&J sandwiches on the way) We were early and his appointment wasn't until 1pm. Everyone was gone to lunch so we rested in the waiting room and played with toys.
 (I took advantage of the electrical outlet to charge my phone)
Then we went to the dental dept. for xrays first.

Then back upstairs to the clinic to the waiting room until they called us in to see the dentist.

They explained his next surgery will be done when he gets his adult canine teeth and Jaron still has his baby canines. So possibly 1-2 more years before he needs the bone graft surgery.
Then back into the waiting room until they called us in to see his surgeon
Dr. John Mulliken is the best! He was bragging to his students in training how well Jaron's cupids bow (the little dip in his top lip between the two scar lines) turned out saying "you just don't see that in a bilateral". And he went back to his file and notes the day of his surgery 7 years ago. 
He kept telling Jaron to pucker his lips-so pleased with the results.
He measures everything in millimeters. His fellows taking notes as he called out all the measurements. She kept saying that is " "perfect"! They like to monitor the growth of the lip and nose making sure they surgically repair cleft children to look as normal as possible compared to an average child of the same race. 

We met up with some friends from NH who were also there to see the doctors that day.

We saw the speech therapist and they said Jaron is doing great! No need to follow up with them next year.

The last stop was 3D pictures of my tired little boy....
Then we went downstairs and called a taxi.
They said it would be 25 minutes until they got there so we looked at the fish tanks
Then back to the airport and

we grabbed a quick bite to eat and back on our plane by 6:45pm.

We landed at 9:15pm and made it back home by 11pm that night.
What a day! 
We were exhausted but we got good news! No surgery for 1-2 years. 
But we'll go back next year for a check up.