
There are a lot of ways we can sacrifice. Some people sacrifice their time, money, food, comfort and much more. God sacrificed His Son Jesus so we can go to heaven.

Being a mother is also form of sacrifice. Before I was a mother I only had to worry about myself. Always thinking of myself and taking care of myself. But when I became a mother my child came first. I put his needs before my own. Every waking moment is devoted to making sure our boys are clean, fed and happy.

So because we have 4 children now there is little time for myself. I rarely ever think of my needs or wants. In fact, I feel guilty if I do take time to myself or buy something for myself. God changed my hearts desires when I became a mother. He taught me to sacrifice myself for my children and my husband. Always putting their needs before my own.

I usually get about 15 minutes in the morning to take a shower and dry my hair. And when getting ready to go somewhere I take about 15 minutes to do my hair and get dressed. I always put my make-up on in the car on the way in about 10 minutes. And after they are all settled and in the bed, that is when I blog, facebook, read other blogs and my Bible for about 2 hours. So all total I take about 2 hrs & 45 minutes for ME.

My love for music and singing has been put on the back burner so I can take care of my boys. I don't get to participate in as many things as I would like to sometimes. But I have learned to accept that. And one day when they are all grown I know I will miss these moments so I try to enjoy them and sing for the Lord when I get the opportunity.

Most of the time I am ok with it. I am content in my role as a wife and mother. But I have to be honest, there are times when I feel like "I deserve more". Maybe it's the devil trying to discourage me. But I do have bad days just like everyone else~ when I want to quit or crawl in a corner and cry. I think we all have those days as mothers. Most of the time it's when I am at my weakest with a severe headache. The devil knows my weakness and he gets in my head, trying to bring me down. I have learned to recognize these times and try to pray and remember to breath and get past those moments.

Being a mother is a daily struggle. We sacrifice ourselves for our family. And I believe that God sees our hearts and knows our thoughts. I believe God will reward the mothers that gave their lives for their children. We might not feel like much here on earth. We might not get much recognition for all our hard work but God knows all and He sees all.

 Philippians 4:11 "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."