First Grade Awards

I went to Jacob's school last thursday for his awards ceremony. I had my camera on and ready I knew he was gonna get one. He clapped and cheered on all the other children who even got more than one. He was so happy for all of them. My heart sank when it was all finished and he didn't get one. I felt so bad for him but he was smiling and happy I was there. He didn't even care. How precious. He taught me a lesson that day. Click on the picture and you can see it larger. He's sitting beside the girl in the green shirt.

Then we were invited to his classroom for icecream and cupcakes. There the teacher gave them all a certificate for different, helper, good reader, good writer....Jacob's was for being so enthusiastic about school. She cried when she gave it to him. Mrs. Smith was a good teacher and we will miss her.

Oh I had Jaron with me and he jumped in the picture. He was a little upset that Jacob didn't get an award but then we got his classroom and Jaron wanted to know where his desk was. I tried to explain to him he has to wait until August but he didn't seem to care. He was so excited to be at school and he cannot wait to meet his teacher and "all the kids". Oh I figured it up the other day....Jacob will be 13 when the baby I am carrying is ready for kindergarten. WHAT!!!