11 months old!!!

Well I was able to give Jonah my breastmilk for 11 months. My supply started getting low and I decided it was time to stop pumping. He has obviously gotten more than enough. So we said good bye to the pump. Jonah's lifeline. It was much appreciated and such a blessing. It was not easy pumping every 3 hours for 11 months but I did it. Some never make it that far. So despite the critics and the negative comments I think I did a GREAT job! God gave a mother milk to provide for her children and that is the best thing you can do for your child. One day Jonah will thank me for it. He will be healthier and smarter because I put forth a little extra effort. It was so worth it and I would do it again. He is on formula until he turns one in a few weeks and seems to be adjusting fine. He is also up to the #2 foods 3 times per day as well. And he weighed 25 lbs. 4oz at the doctor the other day.